Hello, fellow farmers and gardeners! Welcome to my blog, where I share my passion for farming as an art that needs to be cultivated. I believe that farming is not just a way of producing food, but also a way of living in harmony with nature and creating beauty. 

In this blog, I will share with you my experiences and insights on biological gardening, which is a method of growing plants without using synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. Biological gardening assists nature in growing safe food by enhancing soil health, biodiversity, and natural pest control. 

I am also a proud member of POW-WOW SMART Farm & Co-operative, a visionary initiative that aims to transform agriculture in Africa. POW-WOW stands for People Of Wisdom Working On Wealth, and that’s exactly what we do. We acknowledge our wrong doing and change our ways for the better, restoring our land and the hearts of people too. 

POW-WOW SMART Farm & Co-operative is not just a farm, but also a social enterprise that adds value to raw products and commodities, creating jobs and providing an infrastructure for local communities. We cultivate, manufacture, distribute, market, and sell high-quality products that meet international standards. We also fund and build vocational centres for training skilled workers in different trades. 

One of our main goals is to deliver a climate-smart and carbon sequestering farming program utilising medical botanicals. We grow medicinal plants that have healing properties for humans and animals, as well as environmental benefits. We also create a food secure environment for the people by growing nutritious crops and raising healthy animals. 

We work in partnership with cooperatives, farmers, researchers, extension agents, policymakers and consumers to create innovative solutions for sustainable agriculture. We are inspired by the wisdom of our ancestors and the potential of our future generations. We are BGT: Bold, Green, and Thriving 😛  

Thank you for reading my blog and joining me on this journey of farming as an art that needs to be cultivated. I hope you will find it informative, inspiring, and enjoyable. Please feel free to leave your comments, questions, and feedback below. I would love to hear from you!Â